
Thursday 21 February 2019

Critical Literacy- Decoding Media!

  1. What aspects of stories was she (Andrea)  interested in?
  2. What did the ad imply with the big diamond ring?
  3. What is subtext?
  4. With CL, can each student have their own answer?
  5. What does Andrea compare CL to?
  6. How can CL be applied to your life outside of school?
1. Andrea was interested in the aspects of stories that no one told her. The secret messages that she had to decode to find. 

2. The ad that she seen as a child implied that because the man gave the women the big diamond ring that they were going to live together, happily ever after. It also implied that the man is the one that gives the woman the gifts in the relationships. 

3. It is an underlying theme in a story or conversation. Its what we dont see and is basically just our own interpretation on the text. 

4.Yes, a student can have their own answer and it's okay if their answer is different from their classmates. They bring their own opinions into class with them. With this part of English all students should have an opinion on the text, video or other media aspects. 

5. She compares Critical Literacy to a Super Power; decoding media to find the truth. 

6. It's something that you can use everyday and doesn't just have to be at  school. It allows you to be able to find underlying messages while you are watching an ad or movie. CL helps you decode messages that before you took the class, you wouldn't be able to have seen.

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