
Thursday 14 February 2019

Creative Writing #6- Final Reflection.

Throughout the 5 (6 including this one) tasks that we had to and the discussion that we had before we started our journey with creative writing, it's been a good experience. I've learnt about terms that I had used but didn't know, how haiku's may look "easy" but take a lot of time to get right and to get the sentences to have the correct amount of syllables in each, that slam poems have some really good meanings behind them, that metaphors and similes aren't that same thing and that I created a really good piece of writing- one of the best I've done in a while- using sensory language. I have also learned what makes a piece of creative writing "good" and my classes opinions on the matter.

The way that I have learned things is by asking, searching and getting people to read what I've done to get their opinion. With the piece that I wrote using sensory language-it's on my blog somewhere if you are interested in reading it- I had made three of them but with the help of a few different people I managed to choose the one that they and I liked best.

I've also learned the names of two language features that I had used but not known about.

A few things that I found fun and interesting were slam poetry and the sensory language.

Image result for slam poetryReasons why I liked the slam poetry were because you could tell a really deep and meaningful story using poetry. Also because I like the way it sound when you hear people reading it out and the way that they use their voices to kinda emphasize what they are feeling as they read their piece of work out to the audience.

Image result for sensory language clip artI enjoyed the sensory language activity for many reasons. But there happens to be only one that I can actually explain. I liked the way that you could paint a picture in the reader's mind without actually telling them what was happening, where it was taking place and what it was. You didn't have to say 'the car had crashed and I couldn't  move' because that totes boring and because by explaining what they heard, smelt, tasted, saw and touched you got the feeling you were there.

Overall, I enjoyed all of the different tasks that we got set. It gave us the chance to do new thing and to explore things that we didn't know existed or that we wanted to explore, but never got the chance to. It was a good experience to have and I would love to do it again.

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