
Thursday 14 February 2019

English- Critical Literacy

Up on the link above is the four ads that we had to watch and then answer these three questions about each:

The intended audience
What the ad implies about the product 
How it makes the audience feel

Thrillicious: 2008 SoBe Life Water Super Bowl 

Image result for Thrillicious: 2008 SoBe Life Water
I think, since this is a Superbowl ad, it was directed at the adults that watch the Superbowl. But if it wasn't an ad for Superbowl, I would say it was an ad for kids/teens to get them more interested in flavoured water. 

The ad implies that the flavoured water has such a good taste that it makes you want to dance and makes you happy and it implies that it makes you full of energy and can make you energized. 

I believe that it would make the audience feel happy and would make them laugh as the ad has DANCING FROGS in it. I found it very nice to watch and it was an ad that would make me want to go out and buy the drink that they were advertising. 

Nike Commercial

Image result for nike swimwear 2007 menThis commercial in my opinion is directed at the athletes of the world, the swimmers mainly.

The ad implies that if you have these pieces of swimwear you will be faster in the water and a faster swimmer. It also implies that you will be sleeker in the water and will glide through it, like a knife through butter.

I'm not sure what it would make the audience feel as there is only thirty seconds of footage and that it is only a man jumping into a pool. I don't feel as inclined to go and buy this item as it wasn't as interesting as the last ad that I watched. 

Nike Commercial Move: Olympics 

Image result for Nike Commercial Move: OlympicsThis was WAY BETTER than the other nike ad. This ad was most likely aimed at athletes in the Olympics and  everyday people who like to exercise and go for runs almost everyday. 

The ad implies that it is suitable for all sport and it has all types of gear to fit the climates. It is easy to move in and makes it easy to jump, run, ski and jump off of a bridge. It  shows that, for any activity that you can think of, they will have the gear and the shoes that you need for that activity. 

I would like to think that it would make the audience watch The Olympics and would make the audience feel like their country is trying their hardest for their country. Also that they would go out and purchase some of this stuff for themselves and maybe to go out and try  a new sport. 

1984 Apple's First Macintosh Commercial

Image result for 1984 apple's first macintosh commercial
I'm very confused but I'll try. I think that this ad was directed at everyone. This would revolutionise the way people would work so I think Apple would market this computer to everyone not just one set of people. 
In all honesty, I don't understand the ad at all. I'm not sure what was happening or what the women throwing the hammer represented or what it meant. Maybe she is being hero and trying to save all the people who were walking?
But I don't get what what was happening.

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