
Wednesday 28 August 2019

🍣 Sushi 🍣

For the last practical, we made vegetarian sushi. it was quite an easy practical, with a few elements that were rather easy to cut up and to get done. As a group I think that we worked well and were focused throughout the whole lesson and responded well to each other and what was needed of the group in order to be finished on  time for the bell. Everyone contributed and worked on the sushi, with one person spreading the rice, two people cutting up the veggies and another person collecting any extras that we wanted.

The only thing that we need to improve on is keeping to a time frame. While the quality of work is good and high, I think that we really need to produce that quality of work but in a shorter time period. I'm not sure how we managed to finish just before the bell with such a simple recipe, but it is what it is. Next practical, we will make sure that we all have a job, no one is standing around doing nothing and that we are all focused and punctual.

This recipe was really simple and healthy. It would be a good food to put into a lunch box, or to take to work. It has to be made on the day and eaten on the day however so that maybe a problem. But if you cut the veggies the night before and have everything ready in the morning, it's definitely a food that you could take on the go. I recommend having a go at making sushi yourself.

Wednesday 21 August 2019

Fish and Chips...Fish and Chips make me want to lick my lips...

Image result for homemade  chips
On Friday last week, we made fish and chips based on a Nadia Lim recipe. It consisted on making our own chips out of raw potatoes, seasoning them and crumbing pieces of hoki with Panko breadcrumbs.

What went well?
The group that I work in (the same  as last week) all work well together and meld well as a group. We got everything done on time- the cooking, the cleaning and the dishes all done about five minutes before lunch, which is the earliest we've ever finished which I think is a big improvement. We prepped all the ingredients well and had everything laid out and ready to go when we needed it.

What we could improve on?
Listening to what the other members of group are saying and what we need to. Listening and paying attention to the teacher is also a big thing that we need to all work on as a class. Otherwise, the class all worked well together and to finish early was a huge achievement as we don't usually finish that early

Tuesday 20 August 2019

Students addicted to their phones? No way! Hang on...have to check a text...

Are students addicted to their phones? If so, is that a problem?

Some students can't live without their phone. Then, others don't really care whether they have or not. I think it relies on whats going on in someones life, and much they use social media. To me, if you are checking your phone regularly while we are having a conversation, I would come to the conclusion that you are slightly (a lot) addicted to your phone. If you only look at your phone to check the time or to look at messages that could be important, I wouldn't call you addicted. But in our time now, when social media is becoming a staple in our days, a thing that we check so often during the day, more and more students are becoming less engaged and more anti-social. By using our phone, we don't take the time to actually talk face to face, and we aren't using the brain as much. Talking to others connects parts of our brains that wouldn't usually connect. In a world where people are becoming less engaged and less talkative, I think that a high number of teens are becoming anti-social and aren't functioning properly. So, yes. The fact that we are getting more and more attached to our screens is a huge problem in today's society and could heavily impact our skills that we need when you are looking to get a job.

Friday 16 August 2019

Technology & the way it has changed


Technology is the creative process that utilises tools, resources and systems to solve problems. It also enhances control over natural and man made environments to improve our lives

The above is a link to the presentation that Molly and I made concerning the ways that we have been evolving technology. We have been looking at things such as the way that we used to have to dial up the internet and now we can have a modem in the house. There is also the evolution of music, which has come a long way from using vinyl record to now using Spotify. 

Wednesday 14 August 2019

Making Jam Drops- Week 3 Home Ec

Last Friday, our class made Jam drops for Home Ec. They have a plain biscuit base that we then filled with a small dollop of jam that made them have a hit of colour and flavour. My group consisted of Presayus, Tarm and Starling. The group worked well together and all participated within the group, whether it was measuring  or mixing. Everything had to be measured perfectly, not over mixed and not over or under cooked.

Image result for jam dropsEvery member of the group was skilled in their own way, and we all melded well together and worked good together. Improvements could be that some people didn't understand what was happening and what was needed to be done. But other than that everything went smoothly, and we didn't do anything that was wrong. Well I don't think we did. They were cooked nicely, not over mixed and not burnt at all.

The two staff members that sent through responses, thoroughly enjoyed the biscuits and even brought forward memories of when she was younger and her mother would do the baking on a Friday night. To one staff member the biscuit was a bit flavourless, but the bit with the jam was really good.

Next steps that I could take would to be less controlling and bossy towards members of my group and to make sure that I listen to the teacher and my group members.

Tuesday 6 August 2019

The Power of One Essay

During the long period of the South African Apartheid, the Black population was treated unfairly and weren’t given the same treatment as the British and Germans. In the film, The Power of One by John Avildsen, we watch a scene where Gideon Duma and P.K are running through the village. Duma tells what it is like living as a black in the Apartheid. By the way he talks to P.K, it is evident that the British and German have no idea what goes on within the villages. Using film techniques such as dialogue, scenery, and sound, Avildsen builds a great scene that conveys the story across to the viewing audience. 

Firstly, the setting of the scene shows you that Avildsen wanted to portray that, during the catastrophic time of the Apartheid, the black population of South Africa was treated unfairly. We see this when Gideon Duma and P.K run past the toilet, with the line going back until the start of the shabby houses. We see this when Gideon Duma and P.K run past the toilet, with the line going back until the start of the shabby houses. The use of scenery and people lets us see that the Black Africans-even though they were in the country first- were inferior to the British and German Africans. This scene can be heavily contrasted with the shot of the Marais household. The luxury that the Marais family lives in while the Black people have to live in small, shabby buildings.

Another technique that is used well is the dialogue that is used while they run. During the short run through the village, P.K and Duma talk about the pressing issues that restrict the Black Africans from doing what they want and from going to school. Which is meant to be a basic human right for all. Avildsen used this to illustrate the fact that the White Africans know barely anything that is happening within the Black settlements. Duma explains that law only allows two percent of the population to go to school and get an education. “The law says that only two percent of us can go to school.“The dialogue and the words chosen to word it let me have insight into the sort of world that the blacks have to live with daily, it makes the audience viewing the movie think about how the characters feel, and what it would be like to live in South Africa as a Black African during the Apartheid times. 

The third technique that stood out to me was the way that Avildsen used to sound. When the two starts running, in the background you can hear the villagers talking to one another. While you can’t hear what they are saying, it adds depth to the scene by showing you that the village is full of energy and is bubbling even though they are stuck in the Apartheid camps. Using both diegetic and non-diegetic sound over the top of one another can show that Avildsen wanted to add another dimension to the scene; whereas if he had only used diegetic sound, the sense of the depth wouldn’t have been there. The scene would have then not had an impact as big as it did on the audience members. The music that is playing while they run gives you the feeling that you are there in the village, with the villagers.  It gives you a feeling that that was what the real Apartheid was like, and what life would have been like if you had colored skin in the 1940s. You (the audience) could feel what life was like and what they did during the day in the village. 

In conclusion, by Avildsen using both verbal and visual film techniques, he paints a vivid picture of the scene. The scene has depth as Avildsen portrayed that the whites knew nothing about the villages they had created. We were given a small sliver into what life was like when only two percent could go to school when there was only one toilet for two hundred people. Avildsen gives us insight into what the lives were like for the blacks compared to the whites. 

Above is the essay that I wrote for my English assessment. I didn't think I was going to publish this to my blog, but here we are. And I'm writing a reflection paragraph.

Last term, we watched the film The Power of One. Throughout this film study, we watched the film twice, and some scenes over and over. With my essay, I'm proud of the links that I made at the end of each paragraphs as that was the one thing that I struggled with quite a bit when we were learning to write paragraphs. Linking my ideas to modern day events both in and out of New Zealand is something that I could improve on as my links are to mostly in-film scenes. This film wasn't something that I would've chosen to watch in my own time, but I did enjoy it. It was that type of feel-good movie that I enjoy, a film that brings people together and gets them talking to one another. The challenging aspect about the film was that I felt bad that I couldn't do anything. Or still can't do anything. But I did find that using the T.A.K.O and G.O.L.D.E.N tools made it easier to write 

Chapter Two- TWTWB

  1. How did the group of teenagers ascend Tailors Stitch?
  2. What are the two special events happening the day after the teenagers leave for the bush?
  3. How many days were they planning on staying? How much food do you think is reasonable to bring, split between 7 teenagers?
  4. Who is the Hermit and what is he supposed to have done? 
  5. Do you think the Hermit will be significant to this story? Why/Why not?
  6. Is their decent down Satan’s Steps into Hell dangerous? Discuss what are the dangers, how could they have made it safer, what would you have done?
  7. Predict what the bridge signifies

  1. With the use of the land rover until they got to the point when they could no longer drive. After that, they packed their packs and walked down Satan’s steps.
  2. The Wirrawee Show and Commemoration Day land on the day they leave.
  3. They were planning to stay for five days. The food that they take should be enough, and in saying that I mean that as long as each person is carrying at least five items each, then they should have enough food for the five day journey
  4. The Hermit is a man that is said to live in Hell. The teenagers made up stories when they were younger about him, he was said to have murdered his wife and baby
  5. I do think that he will be significant to the story as the bridge that they cross in Chapter 2-3 could be a relation to the Hermit. Since they are descending to hell where the Hermit is said to live, they have a high chance of encountering him and him being apart of this story
  6. The descent of the steps is a very dangerous one and they could have done a number of things that would have made it safer for everyone. The dangers involved are people falling. Breaking bones in their body and getting trapped. I personally would have tied a rope at the top, and then tied it around each member of the group, just so they were safe. They also could have made sure that there was someone camping at the Landie, in case of an emergency. 
  7. I would say that the bridge represents the crossover from Earth to Hell. In a sense that is. It could signify them crossing over from “Earth” to “Hell”.

Chapter One- Tomorrow when the War Began

  1. What are the advantages and disadvantages of first person narration?
  2. Why do you think Ellie needs to tell the story in chronological order?
  3. Pick one interesting word from the chapter, find its meaning, and explain why it is interesting.
  4. John Marsden foreshadows several events and characters in this chapter. Make three predictions based on the evidence in the text about what may occur later in the story.
  5. What kind of story do you think Ellie is going to tell? Uses evidence from the text to support your answers.
  6. What set of skills do these characters have that convince their parents that they can ‘go bush’ independently. Find examples for three characters. 

  1. There are many pros and cons to first person narration. Some cons are that you don’t get to hear other people’s perspectives, you can find it a bit boring (or maybe that’s just me). But there are some good things about it. For some people it can make it a lot easier to follow and read and it gives a side of the story that you may not hear if it was in the third person. 
  2. Telling the story in chronological order may be the way that she has control of the situation or because Ellie may have a disorder where she has to have it in chronological order or it feels wrong
  3. Ex-Murderer
    I’m not actually sure what this means as no one can be an ex-murderer. You either are a murderer or you aren’t. You can’t retire from being a murderer.
  4. 1. Page 3, paragraph 1. It makes you think that something that could change history or an event that could help history. When Ellie started talking about the Hermit from Hell, it made me think that they may encounter him (or her.)
  5. I think that Ellie may tell as story where everything is in a sort of order and tell everything as it happened; both information that is relevant and irrelevant to the story as a whole.
  6. Homer didn’t convince his parents. They didn’t seem to care whether he went bush or not. Fi also didn’t convince her parents, Ellie’s mother did so instead and Robyn had help from Ellie to convince her father.

Friday 26 July 2019

Boomerangs in Social Studies.

Explain the purpose of the activity

Since the last week of term two, we have been learning about aboriginal art, symbols and boomerangs. The first task that we had to do was research. The research involved finding out information about the symbols that were used, and the types of boomerangs. The purpose of the activity was to find out about a different culture and to explain the way that some people express themselves through the art and designs that they do. 

The story of my boomerang

I didn't really have a story, I just went straight in and painted as I wasn't here the first two days and didn't have time to plan it. But after I started painting and hoping for the best, I found a story within the paint that I had strewn across it. I decided that it was about how the earth water and sun all relate to one another and help each other thrive. I not as happy with my boomerang as I hoped to be, but with only one day to decide on a story and what the story was going to be about, I think that the boomerang turned out as good as expected. The green, black and brown all represent the earth while the different shade of blue show the oceans, lakes and rivers. Then finally, the orangey-browns, oranges and the yellows are the sun/sunlight, touching all the land around them. 
What went well while painting your boomerang?

Everything went well, I think. While I didn't have a plan at all and just guessed, the colours all seem to fit together, like a puzzle. If I could change some things about the design, it would be that I had a plan that was detailed and that I didn't have to rush the painting part of the boomerang. Using tape to create a nice, crisp (well, sort of crisp) edge was the best thing that went well. It helped me sort of see where my design was going and where each colour was going to go. I believe that people tried their best while painting their boomerang and that people enjoyed this activity.

Test for Carbon Dioxide Gas

Aim: To show that carbon dioxide gas is produced when a metal carbonate reacts with acid

  • Two boiling tubes
  • Delivery tube and bung
  • Bunsen Burner
  • Test tube rack 
  • Wooden splint
  • Bottle of acid
  • Small amount of Metal Carbonate
  • Test tube tongs
  • Safety glasses

1. Light your bunsen burner
2. Add a pea-sized amount of the metal carbonate into one of the boiling tubes.
3. Place this boiling tube into a test tube rack. Ensure you have the bung and delivery tube
4. Add 5ml of acid to the boiling tube and quickly insert the bung and delivery tube into the mouth 
of the boiling tube.
5. Holding the other boiling tube with your tongs, capture the gas produced. 
6. When you think that the tube is full, light a wooden splint. 
7. Carefully remove the boiling tube from under the delivery tube, taking care to keep
 it facing upward. 
8. Insert the burning splint into the mouth of the test tube. 


If you weren't quick into when you shoved the splint in the test tube, then there is a chance that the
splint won't go out. But other than that, the test was a good way to test for the carbon dioxide gas. 

Friday 5 July 2019

Making a Metal Oxide

Aim: To make a metal oxide and observe the difference in the properties of the product compared to the reactants
  • Magnesium strip
  • Bunsen Burner
  • Safety glasses
  • Metal scissor tongs

  1. Light your Bunsen burner
  2. Hold the piece of the magnesium in the scissor tongs. Ensure that you are holding onto the very tip of the magnesium
  3. Place the other end of the magnesium into the flame. (At the top of the blue flame.)
  4. When the magnesium starts to bun, do not look directly at it as the light that it emits can cause permanent  damage to your eyes


It takes a wee while for the magnesium to catch, but when it does it looks amazing. Its a white light that, when looked at through a pair of tinted safety glasses, sparkles. The burnt magnesium looks like an orb of pure white light. Once the magnesium is burnt out, you should be left with  a white, crumbly powder. That's the metal oxide powder that we needed to make. While it was an easy experiment to accomplish, it is still quite dangerous to do as you could get seriously injured. S we had to make sure that we took the right safety precautions so we don't get hurt.

Tuesday 4 June 2019

Making Salts II

Aim:To produce copper sulfate salt by reacting copper oxide with acid


  • Copper Oxide powder
  • Dilute sulfuric acid
  • Measuring Cylinder
  • Two Beakers
  • Bunsen Burner
  • Tripod
  • Gauze Mat
  • funnel 
  • filter paper
  • thermometer
  • Spatula
  • Evaporating basin
  • Stirring Rod     
1.Add 20ml of sulfuric acid to a beacker, heat the acid until it reaches 70 degrees. Turn your Bunsen Burner off.
2.Once heated, use your spatula to add small amounts of copper oxide powder to the beaker, mix for 30 seconds
3.Repeat step 2 until no more oxide will dissolve. Allow the beaker to cool
4.Fold the filter paper and place it in the funnel. \
5.Place the filtered funnel in the second beaker
6.Make sure that the beaker is cool enough to hold at the top, gently swirl the contents in the beaker, then pour it into the funnel
7.Rinse the previously used beaker and place it back on the tripod with 50-60ml of water. 
8.Place the evaporating basin on top of the backer and carefully pour some of the solution into the basin. 
9.Gently heat the beaker until the mixture is reduced in half
10.Leave it to cool. Once cool remove from the beaker and place somewhere it won't be disturbed. Leave for a few days and observe. If done correctly, blue copper sulfate crystals should form.

We were able to somewhat create the desired salt, except that it isn't ours. Our experiment was destroyed by another classes student, this is the results of their experiment. 
However, on Monday this should be redone with the experiment that is being recreated. 

During the experiment, we were able to recreate the original. The acid in the sulfuric acid was combined with the copper oxide powder and triggered a chemical reaction which created the copper sulfate salt. While in the earlier parts in the experiment, if you did it yourself, you would have noticed that it was a complete liquid until when you next checked up on it after some time. By when you looked at it, it would have crystallised. This is simply because after evaporating the water molecules only the copper sulfate salt was left.

We don't currently have a conclusion of whether the experiment worked or not. However, we can report that we followed all the instructions to a tee. This post and my other classmates will be later on updated with the results of the experiments.

Thursday 30 May 2019

Introduction to Essays...

Sample introduction
During the harrowing time of Apartheid, a lot of injustices were served to the black population of South Africa. In the film The Power of One, directed by John Avildsen, the scene where Sergeant Borman forces Geel Piet to eat donkey excrement paints the picture of the ill treatment towards black people. The following techniques are used in this scene: dietetic sound, camera angles and shots, and dialogue. These film techniques helped convey this important idea and caused the scene to have a strong impact on the audience.

Highlight the different elements of TAKO (Title, Author, Keywords from the Question, Outline of Ideas) using four different colours. Create a key to indicate which colour goes with which part of TAKO.
Yellow- Author/Director
Green- Keywords from the question
Blue- Outline of IdeasWhat is this person’s ARGUMENT going to be in their essay?
I think that their argument will be that during the apartheid in Africa, the native black people were treated very unfairly by the whites. The whites being the ones who thought that they had more rights than the black did, who, by the way, were there in Africa way before the whites...

What do you think this person’s three body paragraphs are going to be about?

1. Black Africans were segregated from the whites, and were put into their own villages away from everyone else.
2.People (the blacks) were treated unfairly just based on the colour of their skin, and because no one would stand up for them or their rights. 
3. The ill treatment and the injustice that the black people of South Africa endured during the reign of the apartheid.

Now it’s your turn to write a conclusion. You just need to re-state the same ideas in a different way! Here is an example.

In conclusion, The Power of One by John Avildsen is a film that shows the unacceptable treatment of the Black Africans in South Africa. Throughout the scene, Avildsen uses assorted file techniques to portray what is happening; which is Sergeant Borman making Geel Piet eat poo off his shoe. Dialogue, camera angles, sound and the camera shots help show that the treatment of not only Geel Piet, but all the Black Africans endured just because of the Whites and becasue of what the Apartheid was doing to them as well.

Tuesday 28 May 2019

Neutralisation 101

In Science, we have been learning about the topic Acids and Bases. When an acid and a base get mixed together, a chemical reaction can occur. A base cancels out the effects of the acid, and when this happens it is called a neutralisation as when you add just  the right amount of acid and base together, you get a neutral solution.

Aim: To observe a neutralisation reaction

  • A test tube
  • Test tube rack
  • 1 mol L-1 Na2CO3 (Sodium carbonate)
  • 1 mol L-1 HCI (Hydrochloric acid)
  • Dropper or Dropper Bottle 
  • Universal Indicator Solution 


  1. Place approximately 1-2ml  of sodium carbonate to a test tube and place the test tube in the test tube rack. Then, add 3-5 drops of the Universal Indicator solution. 
  2. Using the dropper bottle, add HCI drop by drop, slowly. You need to be very careful with how much you add in as even a little bit extra, you may miss the neutralisation point. 


It's very hard to get it to neutral especially when you add just the smallest bit over. Getting the colour to a nice green colour took us a while, with it going between to colours the most; red and indigo. But after a while, we managed, as a group to get it to green. Well, Jess, Nadia and Molly did. The closest that I got to a green colour was a very off yellowish green. After we played around a bit, had a competition to see who could get it to green the fastest and actually got it to green, we got told we could make a rainbow. A good rainbow. Which we managed to do. Not with all of the fourteen colours but with five, which covered the length of the pH scale. The colours that we made into a rainbow were red, then to orange and yellow.Green, Blue and a purple-ly indigo colour to finish. 
Red is the strongest acidity of all the acids and then indigo is the strongest base. Red, orange and yellow are all acid, while the blues and indigo's are all bases. The green, as you may have realised by now, is the neutral colour, at pH seven. This was a very interesting experiment as you got completely different results from another team. It may have been easier for another team to get to the pH seven, or the may not have been able to get it green at all. 

Just to the side is the rainbow that we made. It also features the tips of someones finger? Okay. As it turns out, it's my finger. :)

Overall, this was a very exciting experiment and I can't wait until we get another chance to do an experiment like this. 

Monday 27 May 2019

SEXXY Paragraph Writing

For the last week, we have been focusing on writing SEXXY paragraphs based around the film, The Power of One. The paragraph below is one that I wrote in a group with Nadia and Molly. The picture that we used is the scene where you see Sergeant Bormann and Geel Piet. 

The long shot is common throughout the film. Including this shot of Sergeant Borman's legs while in the prison. In the foreground, we see the guards legs and baton while in the background we see PK and Geel Piet talking. The director, John Avildsen, used a long shot for this scene showcasing Sergeant Borman's baton to make you believe that something may happen to Geel Piet. It is also to show the guard is in a high position of power. The audience also feels a sense of worry for Geel Piet, as we believe that something may happen, based on the stance of Sergeant Boram. The audience is made to feel worried and empathetic for all of the characters in this shot. Where Geel Piet gets beaten to death, there is a strong similarity to this scene that we have mentioned. This can be contrasted to another scene were you see Sergeant Borman's legs and the baton with Geel Piet at the Sergeant's feet, almost foreshadowing the scene that came before it. 

Wednesday 22 May 2019

Floor Hockey

  1. On a scale of 1-10, rate how well you think you did in yesterdays floor hockey lesson
I think that I participated well and that I was throughly involved with what my team mates and the teachers were saying to improve on.  I feel like I would have been a 10.

2. What skill do you think you did well? 

The skills that I used particularly well we're passing it through the cones to my teammates and the dribbling that I used when we had a mini game of multi sport. I also tried my best when we were doing all the activities.

3. What skills did you used to pass/dribble the ball?

I made sure that the ball was always in contact with the stick, and just like I try to do in football, have control of where the ball is going and where the ball is. 

SoSt Creative Writing

I sigh, staring at the bills in front of me. Even sharing a house with three other families doesn’t cut down the money that I spend each week.  Myself and my three year old daughter, that’s who I have to provide for. By myself. Clementine stares at me, sorrow in her eyes. While I think that I have hard, she has it worse. Seven kids and a recently dead husband. Killed in a fishing accident down at the wharf. Can’t say that I miss him though. Neither do the others who live here. We all know that he hit all of the family, yet acted like an angel in front of the rest of us. Clementine says she misses him, but every time we bring it up, she brushes it off. Giving her a smile back, I look over at Elizabeth. Sitting at the table drawing with Clem’s kids, she looks so happy and peaceful, like nothing in the world could hurt her. Why couldn’t my life be like that?

“Clem. I have to take a few extra shifts down at the Reed’s. Can you please look after Eliza for a few hours?”  My eyes dart towards the petite lady that sits in front of me, on the rundown trundler bed. Her eyes shine a pale green, a stark contrast to her dark, ebony hair. She gives a curt nod before going back to what she was doing; mending one of Nora’s dresses, which knowing the way that Clem sows, will take all night. Pulling my jacket over my worn, dress and apron, I give Eliza a kiss on the forehead before turning and dashing out the door, handbag in tow. Men stare at me as I pass them, faces black with soot. Women stand with children clutching their legs, hiding their small faces in the folds of the skirt. Soon, the lines and lines of brick stop, making way for the nicer part of town. Actual houses with gaps for privacy, and the people that live in not covered in soot and grime. The Upper Class.

The merchants call out, the market in full swing by the time I make it to the town centre. The smell of fresh bread hits my nose, making me smile.

Monday 20 May 2019

Making a Model Atom

Aim: To make a model atom


Method- This method is to make a model atom for a Carbon atom. If you wish to make any other atom, then you may increase or decrease either the electrons, protons or neutrons

1. Take the piece of paper, fold in half and sketch out 2 half circles on the side of the paper.
2. Cut the two half circles out, making sure that one is bigger than the other.
3. On the smaller of the two rings, draw two black dots grouped together. Then on the bigger ring, draw two black dots at the top and then another group of two at the bottom. These six dots will make up the six electrons of the Carbon atom
4. Next, take your blue tack and your beads. You will need 6 protons (silver beads) and 6 neutrons (gold beads). Stick all twelve of the beads together in sort of a blobby shape. This is your atom center.
5. Take your length of string and attach it to the atom. You then have to take two pieces of tape, and tape the string to both rings that you have cut out.
6. Get a small square of paper and write on it the symbol of the element, the name and the atomic number.

Friday 10 May 2019

Drama 10/5/19

Today in Drama, we we're leaving about not talking to much and using space.

The theatre sports game that we played was that you were only able to use three word sentences. Jess and I had the setting ''the zoo". In our improv, we were at the zoo and Jess somehow found her way into the cage, I called the fire fighters then we got stuck and stopped.

Another one of the groups did that they killed a dog then revived him. Jakita and Megan went to Disneyland, then crashed and killed a child.

Later on in the term, we will be doing a musical piece from the musical 'Carrie'. The song is called 'In' and I'm very excited to be doing it in the musical theatre showcase at the end of the term

Friday 29 March 2019

Worst Countries Using Child Soldiers

1. Somalia

Child Soldiers in Somalia are quite common as this is the worst country. The children are not only used as combatants, but also as messengers, porters,cooks and spies. Some of the young girls are often bought and used as sex slaves. They are chosen to be soldiers as they are easy to influence and can be told what to do without much arguing and resistance.  A lot of children are recruited by the militant organizational-Shabab and some kids actually choose to become a child soldier if there is a lack of education in the area they live in. 

2. Syria

The children in Syria are used/have been known to be used as human shields, suicide bombers, guards at checkpoints and as front line soldiers. 59% of the adults that were interviewed said that they knew a child or several children that were child slaves. People encourage the children to become soldiers due to the fact of poverty and the number of groups that  may be targeting their villages. 

3.DR Congo

Of all of the children that are soldiers, at least one third of them are young girls. The girls are sold as sex slaves, and are forced to be "wives" to older men. They face cruel acts of abuse daily. Children as young as 6 have been recruited although, children aged 8-16 make up over 60% of the soldiers in Congo. in 2003, 10% of the world's 300,000 child slaves were based/ came from the Democratic Republic of Congo. 

Tuesday 26 March 2019

Health So Far.

A few weeks ago, we started our year in Health. We originally had 3 lessons of P.E, but now we have moved to Health for two periods a week instead.We started off doing Whare tapa Wha, the four walls of Health. The first subject that we have been looking at is Wairua. Wairua is the Spiritual well being.

Since we did this last year, it's more of a recap then actually learning things. But I did learn a few new things. Miss Aitken started us off by getting us to make a "identity poster", on which we had to write things that we thought were related to our personality. A few of mine were sarcastic, family, sister, friends, soccer and more were written. We then had to choose 5 of the many words we wrote to be  the major ones that we thought.
(My poster. And yes, that's me in the middle)

DNA Extraction


To extract DNA from a kiwifruit


1. Using a spatula, scoop 1/2 kiwifruit into a Ziploc bag. Add 25mls of water to the bag along with a decent pinch of salt.
2. Mush it into a thick soup. Pour over a cloth, into a funnel and then into a beaker.
3. Pour liquid into a a test tube, add a squirt of dishwashing liquid, swirl together and the leave to sit for five minutes
4. After allowing to sit, tilt the test tube at a 45° angle, and the slowly pour 10mls of ethanol down the side.
5. Let sit.

It worked. The DNA of the kiwifruit floated up to the top and separated itself from the other stuff that we put in the test tube. The water helped us break up the kiwifruit, and the salt helped clump up the strands of DNA. Then the ethanol helped us see the actual strands of DNA. It smelt like lime soda, I don't understand why but it did and I'm very still confused about how a kiwifruit smelt like it was lime.

Monday 25 March 2019

Creative Writing- Final Reflection

For the past few weeks, we have been working on Creative Writing in English. Since we have been doing a lot of things so far, I would have to say that this have been my favorite. I love to do things that make you use imagination and involve you creating things. Creative Writing lets you be as creative as you want and doesn't restrict you to things, unlike recounts and persuasive writing.

We did activities that showed us how to set up a backdrop, creating characters, narrative openings and how to set a setting. All of the above will help me a lot with my creative writing as you need all of the above to create a really good story. There were tasks that I liked a bit more than others of course.

I enjoyed the narrative opens as it helped me learn what to write and how to make that interesting; showing the reader whats happening and trying to get them really intrigued. I tried to make it sound as interesting as I could without over doing it, we also did another task called 'show don't tell' which comes in handy when you need to make things interesting.

Then, one of the last tasks, was to create a protagonist. I didn't not like the task, I just didn't like the questions that we were required to answer. "My Name is, I live in, In the Weekend I...". Those are a few of the questions that we needed to answer. For me, and the ways I like to work, it would have been easier

Child Slavery S.E.E.L paragraph

Why are children used in slavery? How are their human taken?

Children are used in labor as they dont have to be paid to do the work that is needed. Doing this takes away their freedom and their right to an education.In the Human Rights document, it states that we have a right to education. For children that are forced into work and to do labor, the right to have an education, is taken away. When put into slavery, the children won't be able to go to school as they will most likely be put really far away or won't have time as they work for most of the day. With this happening, the basic Human Rights that they deserve to have, and they don't have a say in their lives whatsoever. 

Thursday 21 March 2019

English #1- Starting Creative Writing

HWhat makes a good opening to a narrative?

The words that are used and how the author has chosen to word it. Some stories will start off with a good opening which makes you want to continue reading the story, and makes you want to know what else has happened/happening.

In the book "The Hate U Give" by Angie Thomas, she starts the book off with I shouldn't have come to this party. It makes you feel that something bad has happened or is going to happen. That you need to read on to see what happens. And once you do, you won't be able to put the book down.

My favorite opening line and why

We got given a list of opening lines from famous books, and we then had to pick our favorite from 50. I chose the opening line from Midnight's Children by Salman Rushdie.

I was born in the city of Bombay...once upon a time. No, that won't do, there's no getting away from the date; I was born in Doctor Narlikars Nursing Home on August 15th 1947. The time matters too.

Its the way it's written, and they it was worded. Makes me want to go buy the book and just read it at once. It makes you ask the question: Why does the date matter? What happened? It sounds good just from the first paragraph, and I'm going to have to read it.

Tuesday 19 March 2019

Brain-Dead Teen. A Critical Literacy task.

  1. What makes this video convincing?
  2. Who published this video?
  3. How are teenagers portrayed in this clip?
  4. Why has the director cast them this way?
  5. In whose interest is this text?
  6. Who is real in this text?
  7. What social realities does this video portray?

1. The way that they have used green screens for places like the doctors office and the way that the talked. The doctor use language that you expected him to talk and the parents packing away the clothes made you feel like it was real.

Image result for the onion
2. The Onion. They are a media company that and a newspaper agency. They publish stories for international, national and local news stations. The Onion publish news stories that are 'satirical'. Satirical means sarcastic, mocking another persons weaknesses and critical. 

3. They are portrayed as someone who uses a phone too much and that we are always using technology that is causing our brain cells to die. I think that they are stereotyping all of us into a certain category and that they are trying to make adults believe that we are only capable of texting and being on our phones. 

4.To get a message across to people, and for humour. Depicting the girl as a typical stereotype of this generation of teens. And the doctor they cast made us think that it was actually real. The director got people to be protesters, which also added more depth. 

5.People who have teens in their families, mainly the parents of these teens. Teacher could also have an interest in the text as it could be used for teaching purposes. 

6.The media people, the presenters. But other than the presenters, no of the other people that have been portrayed in this text are real and it did seem real. 

7. That people stereotype teens into categories. It aslo shows how that, most teens are addicted to their phones and to social media.