
Tuesday 19 March 2019

Brain-Dead Teen. A Critical Literacy task.

  1. What makes this video convincing?
  2. Who published this video?
  3. How are teenagers portrayed in this clip?
  4. Why has the director cast them this way?
  5. In whose interest is this text?
  6. Who is real in this text?
  7. What social realities does this video portray?

1. The way that they have used green screens for places like the doctors office and the way that the talked. The doctor use language that you expected him to talk and the parents packing away the clothes made you feel like it was real.

Image result for the onion
2. The Onion. They are a media company that and a newspaper agency. They publish stories for international, national and local news stations. The Onion publish news stories that are 'satirical'. Satirical means sarcastic, mocking another persons weaknesses and critical. 

3. They are portrayed as someone who uses a phone too much and that we are always using technology that is causing our brain cells to die. I think that they are stereotyping all of us into a certain category and that they are trying to make adults believe that we are only capable of texting and being on our phones. 

4.To get a message across to people, and for humour. Depicting the girl as a typical stereotype of this generation of teens. And the doctor they cast made us think that it was actually real. The director got people to be protesters, which also added more depth. 

5.People who have teens in their families, mainly the parents of these teens. Teacher could also have an interest in the text as it could be used for teaching purposes. 

6.The media people, the presenters. But other than the presenters, no of the other people that have been portrayed in this text are real and it did seem real. 

7. That people stereotype teens into categories. It aslo shows how that, most teens are addicted to their phones and to social media. 

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