
Tuesday 20 August 2019

Students addicted to their phones? No way! Hang on...have to check a text...

Are students addicted to their phones? If so, is that a problem?

Some students can't live without their phone. Then, others don't really care whether they have or not. I think it relies on whats going on in someones life, and much they use social media. To me, if you are checking your phone regularly while we are having a conversation, I would come to the conclusion that you are slightly (a lot) addicted to your phone. If you only look at your phone to check the time or to look at messages that could be important, I wouldn't call you addicted. But in our time now, when social media is becoming a staple in our days, a thing that we check so often during the day, more and more students are becoming less engaged and more anti-social. By using our phone, we don't take the time to actually talk face to face, and we aren't using the brain as much. Talking to others connects parts of our brains that wouldn't usually connect. In a world where people are becoming less engaged and less talkative, I think that a high number of teens are becoming anti-social and aren't functioning properly. So, yes. The fact that we are getting more and more attached to our screens is a huge problem in today's society and could heavily impact our skills that we need when you are looking to get a job.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Chloe!

    You've done a very detailed and elaborate paragraph. But one the other hand to your last statement, as electronics become more integrated into jobs and society the ability to operate these devices is more needed as well. Besides that, maybe you could look into describing why you've done this paragraph. If I hadn't been assigned the same task I would've had no idea what was going on or why you've done this. Wonderful work though!


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