
Tuesday 22 May 2018



1. Adolf Hitler. 

Adolf Hitler was a German dictator during the WW2. He reigned from 1933 to 1945 and was a big part of the war. On April 30th Hitler went into his underground bunker and committed suicide by swallowing a Cyanide capsule and shooting himself in the head.  

2. Kim Jong-un 

Kim Jong-un is the son of the Kim Jong ll and is the current dictator of North Korea. He is also the youngest serving ruler in the world and the first supreme leader after the nation was founded. 

3. Francisco Franco Bahamonde

Bahamonde was the dictator of Spain after the Spanish Civil War (1936-1939) and was up until his death in 1975.

4. Fulgencio Batista Y Zaldivar 

Fulgencio was the dictator of Cuba in the years leading up to the Cuban Revolution. he was elected in 1940. Then in 1944, he was outvoted by his rival and he left Cuba for America. 

5.  Nicolae Ceausescu 

Nicolae was a Romanian dictator from 1965 until he was overthrown and killed in a revolution. In the years that he was the dictator, he was brutal and mean.  All of his citizens longed for peace and freedom. 

Countries that are still Governed by Dictators 

  1. Russia - President Putin 
  2. Cuba - Raul Castro  
  3. Venezuela - Nicolas Maduro 
  4. Democratic Republic of Congo - Joseph Kabila 
  5.  Azerbaijan - Ilham Heydar 
  6. Vietnam - Tran Dai Quang 
  7. Cambodia - Hun Sen 
  8. China - Xi Jinping 

The ACT Party 

The ACT party was founded in 1994 by Rodger Douglas and Derek Quigley. Ruwan Premathilake is the president and David Seymour is the leader of the party. The ACT party's ideology is Classic Liberalism and their one and only seat, that belongs to David Seymour, is in the right wing. Some of the ACT party's policies are:

  • Re-instating private prisons; allowing private firms to free up police for "Zero Tolerance" policing; 
  • Re-introducing interest on student loans


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