
Tuesday 15 May 2018

English Essay Structure

English Essay Structure


T:  Title of the Book 

A:  Author  of the Book 

K: Keywords from questions 

O: Outline of your ideas 

2 ways to start off an introduction.

  • A Rhetorical Question
  • A Quote

Example Introduction-

When given the choice between right and kind, choose kind. In the book 'Wonder' by R.J. Palacio, this precept is given to Auggie's class at the start of the year. This is seen at the surprising moment when Jack Will punches Julian for making a mean comment about Auggie. This is a shift in the character of Jack who has been two-faced with his interactions with Auggie until this point. This was hard for Jack as  Julian is a popular kid with loads of friends     


S: Statment               S: Statement 

E: Examples             E: Explain

E: Explain                X: Xxplain Example

L: Link                     Y: Your link 

Example Paragraph 

  • Jack stands up for Auggie 
  • Jack has been mean to Auggie 
  • Social Issues in standing up to popular people 
The moment that the readers of Wonder, was when Jack Will punched Julian in the hallway after Science Class. This happened after Julian and Jack left Science Class. Julian had asked Jack why he wanted to be Auggie's partner instead of his. Julian told Jack, "You don't have to be friends with that freak if you don't want to be", which upset Jack as he considered Auggie his friend. This resulted in him punching Julian in the face. This is shocking for the reader as up until that point Jack has been a passive character, going with what is popular and not taking a stand in support of Auggie. We have seen this when Jack chose to sit with the other boys at lunch instead of August. It changed the readers perspective of Jack and his previous actions, making them believe that Jack just wanted to fit in and was afraid of being friends with August. This event shocked the reader because it changed our view of Jack and his relationship with the other boys in the class because he was willing to stand up for August. This links with the altercation with the 7th graders on the nature retreat later in the story because August then stands up for Jack/ because Amos, Miles, and Henry follow Jacks example and also go against being popular and stand up for August.

Another reason this incident shocks the reader is that previously, although being friends to his face, Jack had been cruel to August when he wasn’t around. On Halloween, August was meant to be dressed as Boba Fett but was instead dressed as the Bleeding Scream. This meant when he came into class, Jack and the other boys didn’t know he was there. Jack said that if he looked like August he would kill himself and he looked around the room to make sure August wasn’t there. It changed the reader's perspective of Jack because until this point Jack had been acting as August’s friend, even spending time at his house with his family so when he agrees with Julian the reader feels betrayed for August. The author includes this incident to put us in August's shoes and remind us what it feels like to be bullied. The Bleeding Scream incident makes the moment when Jack punches Julian more powerful, as we have seen him succumb to peer pressure before, but is now willing to overcome it and stand up for August.

Peer pressure from the popular kids was another reason that Jack was unwilling to be seen to stick up for August in public. When Jack punches Julian this is surprising because in the past Jack has tried to follow the popular kids' opinions, mainly Julians as he was the most popular. An example of this is the ‘plague’ which Julian told the class you could catch if you touched August and didn’t wash your hands within twenty seconds. At first, Jack went along with this, and even when he was Auggies friend, he didn’t tell him about it. Therefore, when Jack punches Julian he is showing that being popular and agreeing with Julian is no longer as important as his friendships, he sacrificed his social status to show Auggie they are still friends. The author shows us here that our personal status matters more than our popularity with others. This displays the precept the teacher gave at the beginning of the year because Jack chooses to be kind rather than to follow the crowd. It carries on after Julian then tries to manipulate the other boys not to talk to Jack, but Jack is no upset because he has August.

Conclusion- MIRROR- reflects your essay

The moment that shocked us in the text was when Jack punches Julian for making fun of August. It was important to the overall story because it showed us that Jack was more than a passive character, it changed our view of Jack in a positive way and that friendships are more important than popularity. “When given the choice between right and kind, choose kind”. In this way, we saw Jack choose kindness.

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