
Wednesday 30 May 2018


We (Kayne, Jay, Jaime and I) worked as a group on these activities. We all got an assigned task and that's what we researched. I did the Glycemic Index, Kayne did the definition of protein, Jaime did where protein comes from and Jay did the advantages of protein. I think we all did really well with doing the research in one period. I'm very proud of our group and all the work we did this period.  

Jaime Lesley Burns Way III: Where does protein come from?
You can source protein from a wide range of foods; meat sources consisting of mainly chicken, meat, eggs, and fish. The largest source of meat protein is seafood because it is generally low in fat, followed by chicken and poultry.

Plant sources of protein include soybeans, tofu and soy milk, nuts and lentils, and oats. These foods provide important acids called amino acids that are essential
for good health. Amino acids are organic and are what muscles, cells, and tissue are made of. Girls aged 9-13 need approximately 35 grams of protein per day. Boys 9-13 need about 40. It is essential for growing teenagers to reach their needed quantity of protein every day to ensure good health.

Chloe: The glycemic index.
The body breaks down carbohydrates from the food we consume and then converts them into a sugar called glucose. Glucose is a main source of fuel for our body. Glucose travels throughout the bloodstream to reach the cells. When we finish eating the glucose from the food gets into the bloodstream either fast, slow, or somewhere in between. It depends on the type of carbohydrate and the type of food that we have eaten. The glycemic index is a way of measuring and showing how different foods affect the blood glucose levels in your body. Foods that have higher values raise the blood sugar more rapidly than the foods that have a lower glycemic index value.

Jay: Advantages of protein
Protein is involved in every cell in the body. Hair and nails are made out of protein and so is body tissue.

Protein can also be used to make enzymes hormones and other bodily chemicals. Protein is important in every part of the body. Protein is a macronutrient, meaning that it is important for the body to have a large intake of it.

Kayne: Definition of protein*
Any of a class of nitrogenous organic compounds that consist of large molecules compound at one or more long chains of amino acids are an essential part of all living organisms especially and structural components of body tissues such as muscle, hair, collagen, and enzymes and bodies.


Image result for vegetarian nachos
Yesterday we made vegetarian nachos. I had never had these before so I was a bit apprehensive. But in the end, I did enjoy these a lot. They were a bit better than nachos with meat and for me, they were tastier. Nachos are something that I hadn't had in a while and these were fantastic and full of flavor.


  • 2-4 Mushrooms 
  • 1/2 cup Mixed veggies
  • 1/2 can chili beans
  • 1/2 can chopped tomatoes 
  • 1/2 grated cheese (we used a little bit more than this)
  • Sour cream and Corn chips to serve


  • Preheat grill to high 
  • Slice the mushrooms 
  •  In a large pan saute onion for 2-3 minutes 
  • Once onions are done add chili beans, chopped tomatoes, mushrooms and mixed veggies.
  • Place corn chips on the plate and then spoon mixture on top. 
  • Add cheese on top and then put under the grill
  • Take out once the cheese is melted and add sour cream.
I thoroughly enjoyed making these. Some of the things that Kayne, Victor and I could work on are 

  • Listening to each other 
  • Do everything in order 
  • Not yelling at each other
These things are things that not only things that our group could work on but the whole class. Everyone was yelling yesterday and it was very loud in the class. It was most probably the loudest our class has ever been. Apart from the yelling and loudness, I enjoyed the lesson and I will make these nachos at home for my family.  



1. Antonio is depressed without knowing why. What two possible reasons do his friends suggest?
That he is depressed because his boats are out at sea and he does not know whether they are still sailing or they have sunk. And Solanio suggests that he is in love.

2. Do you think Gratiano's contributions help Antonio's mood?
I think that Gratiano is trying to help with Antonio's mood, but ended up making everything a little bit worse instead.

3. What are your first impressions of Bassanio?
That he is kind and will do whatever it takes to get money off of Antonio. But he doesn't want to ruin anything with Antonio by asking for too much of him. 

4. Is he in love?
I think that Bassanio is in love with Portia.
5. Why does he need to borrow money again?
He needs the money to get the boat to sail over to Portia, he needs the crew members to sail the boat. Bassanio also needs money to buy nice clothes and money to buy a ring for Portia.


1. How do Portia's first words compare to Antonio's?
She said that her body is tired of it and Antonio said that he was tired of being depressed without knowing why.

2. What is the reason for her mood?
Portia's mood is like it is because of all the suitors that are coming to her door asking for her hand in marriage.

3. Do you think Nerissa is a help to her?
I think that Nerissa is trying to help and cheer her up but in fact, she is making it worse. Nerissa is making it worse by asking Portia about all the men that have come knocking at the door. 

4. Sum up, in a word or short phrase Portia's attitude to her suitors so far. 
Over it already.


1. Shylock is a moneylender. Does he seem eager to do business with Bassanio? How do you know?
He doesn't seem very eager to do it. His first two sentences end with 'hmmm'.

2. Which does Shylock think is safe, his business or Antonio’s? Why?
Shylocks business is safer than Antonios because Anotonios business is at sea and anything could happen to the ships.
3. Why doesn’t Shylock want to dine with Bassanio and Antonio?
Because they are eating pork and he doesn't want to smell is because for him as a Jew it is a very dirty animal and they don't eat or smell it.

4. What strict principal of his is Antonio breaking to help Bassanio?
He hates Jews and now he is breaking his own rule in doing business with a Jew.

5. Shylock tells a bible story to prove that the taking of profit is blessed, as long as thieving is not involved. Does he convince Antonio? Give evidence.
No, he doesn't convince Antonio because Antonio points out that it was Gods doing not Jacob's

6. Shylock accuses Antonio of a whole catalog of nastiness. How does Antonio answer the charges?
Antonio says that he did do those things to Shylock and he will most probably do them again. So instead of giving him the money out of being his friend give it to him out of being his enemy.

7. How does Bassanio react to the proposed bond?
Bassino doesn't want Antonio to do it but he does it anyway because he wants to do it for his friend.

Monday 28 May 2018

Maori Wood Toys

This term we have been making small projects in Wood for Matariki. We first made a small board game called Mu Torere. Then next we made a spinner that when we finally got going made a little noise through the holes that we made in the wood. The only thing about this toy that I didn't like was the way the string cut into our fingers. We fixed this by getting two small dowels and putting them in the string instead of our fingers. This was just as effective as using our fingers to spin it.

Image result for bullroarer
The project that we are working on now is a bullroarer. The first that we needed to do was shape the wood. We used a sanding belt to shape the top into a circle shape and then again to make the straight edges on the end. We then drilled a hole in the top about two inches from the top of the wood. After we finished that we got a piece of string and poked it through the hole and then tied the two ends together. The last thing we did was tie a block of wood to the end of the string that wasn't attached to the wood and we made that into a handle so that, like the last project, the string wouldn't cut into our fingers
Image result for paper centrifuge
Image result for mu torere

Tuesday 22 May 2018



1. Adolf Hitler. 

Adolf Hitler was a German dictator during the WW2. He reigned from 1933 to 1945 and was a big part of the war. On April 30th Hitler went into his underground bunker and committed suicide by swallowing a Cyanide capsule and shooting himself in the head.  

2. Kim Jong-un 

Kim Jong-un is the son of the Kim Jong ll and is the current dictator of North Korea. He is also the youngest serving ruler in the world and the first supreme leader after the nation was founded. 

3. Francisco Franco Bahamonde

Bahamonde was the dictator of Spain after the Spanish Civil War (1936-1939) and was up until his death in 1975.

4. Fulgencio Batista Y Zaldivar 

Fulgencio was the dictator of Cuba in the years leading up to the Cuban Revolution. he was elected in 1940. Then in 1944, he was outvoted by his rival and he left Cuba for America. 

5.  Nicolae Ceausescu 

Nicolae was a Romanian dictator from 1965 until he was overthrown and killed in a revolution. In the years that he was the dictator, he was brutal and mean.  All of his citizens longed for peace and freedom. 

Countries that are still Governed by Dictators 

  1. Russia - President Putin 
  2. Cuba - Raul Castro  
  3. Venezuela - Nicolas Maduro 
  4. Democratic Republic of Congo - Joseph Kabila 
  5.  Azerbaijan - Ilham Heydar 
  6. Vietnam - Tran Dai Quang 
  7. Cambodia - Hun Sen 
  8. China - Xi Jinping 

The ACT Party 

The ACT party was founded in 1994 by Rodger Douglas and Derek Quigley. Ruwan Premathilake is the president and David Seymour is the leader of the party. The ACT party's ideology is Classic Liberalism and their one and only seat, that belongs to David Seymour, is in the right wing. Some of the ACT party's policies are:

  • Re-instating private prisons; allowing private firms to free up police for "Zero Tolerance" policing; 
  • Re-introducing interest on student loans


Wednesday 16 May 2018

Pita Pockets


Image result for pita pockets made by kids
  • Pita Casing  
  • Lettuce
  • Tomato 
  • Cheese 
  • Grated Carrots 
  • 1/4 onions 
  • 1t oil 
  • Sauces 
  • Chicken Breasts      

  • Saute the chicken and onions together in a pan with oil, high-med heat  
  • Chop and grate the vegetables you require 
  • Place the pita pockets in the microwave for 20 seconds 
  • Cut open pocket on the crease 
  • Stuff pita pocket with fillings 
Yesterday we made pita pockets. These were relatively easy to make with only a few ingredients and they were super healthy. Each member of my group had jobs that they did. Jay grated the carrot, Kayne grated the cheese and cut up the tomato, I cut the onion and the chicken and Jamie opened a bag of lettuce, struggled to open the pita pockets and sauteed the chicken and the onions. The end result was very good. They tasted very good and all the ingredients tasted very good together. 

Tuesday 15 May 2018

English Essay Structure

English Essay Structure


T:  Title of the Book 

A:  Author  of the Book 

K: Keywords from questions 

O: Outline of your ideas 

2 ways to start off an introduction.

  • A Rhetorical Question
  • A Quote

Example Introduction-

When given the choice between right and kind, choose kind. In the book 'Wonder' by R.J. Palacio, this precept is given to Auggie's class at the start of the year. This is seen at the surprising moment when Jack Will punches Julian for making a mean comment about Auggie. This is a shift in the character of Jack who has been two-faced with his interactions with Auggie until this point. This was hard for Jack as  Julian is a popular kid with loads of friends     


S: Statment               S: Statement 

E: Examples             E: Explain

E: Explain                X: Xxplain Example

L: Link                     Y: Your link 

Example Paragraph 

  • Jack stands up for Auggie 
  • Jack has been mean to Auggie 
  • Social Issues in standing up to popular people 
The moment that the readers of Wonder, was when Jack Will punched Julian in the hallway after Science Class. This happened after Julian and Jack left Science Class. Julian had asked Jack why he wanted to be Auggie's partner instead of his. Julian told Jack, "You don't have to be friends with that freak if you don't want to be", which upset Jack as he considered Auggie his friend. This resulted in him punching Julian in the face. This is shocking for the reader as up until that point Jack has been a passive character, going with what is popular and not taking a stand in support of Auggie. We have seen this when Jack chose to sit with the other boys at lunch instead of August. It changed the readers perspective of Jack and his previous actions, making them believe that Jack just wanted to fit in and was afraid of being friends with August. This event shocked the reader because it changed our view of Jack and his relationship with the other boys in the class because he was willing to stand up for August. This links with the altercation with the 7th graders on the nature retreat later in the story because August then stands up for Jack/ because Amos, Miles, and Henry follow Jacks example and also go against being popular and stand up for August.

Another reason this incident shocks the reader is that previously, although being friends to his face, Jack had been cruel to August when he wasn’t around. On Halloween, August was meant to be dressed as Boba Fett but was instead dressed as the Bleeding Scream. This meant when he came into class, Jack and the other boys didn’t know he was there. Jack said that if he looked like August he would kill himself and he looked around the room to make sure August wasn’t there. It changed the reader's perspective of Jack because until this point Jack had been acting as August’s friend, even spending time at his house with his family so when he agrees with Julian the reader feels betrayed for August. The author includes this incident to put us in August's shoes and remind us what it feels like to be bullied. The Bleeding Scream incident makes the moment when Jack punches Julian more powerful, as we have seen him succumb to peer pressure before, but is now willing to overcome it and stand up for August.

Peer pressure from the popular kids was another reason that Jack was unwilling to be seen to stick up for August in public. When Jack punches Julian this is surprising because in the past Jack has tried to follow the popular kids' opinions, mainly Julians as he was the most popular. An example of this is the ‘plague’ which Julian told the class you could catch if you touched August and didn’t wash your hands within twenty seconds. At first, Jack went along with this, and even when he was Auggies friend, he didn’t tell him about it. Therefore, when Jack punches Julian he is showing that being popular and agreeing with Julian is no longer as important as his friendships, he sacrificed his social status to show Auggie they are still friends. The author shows us here that our personal status matters more than our popularity with others. This displays the precept the teacher gave at the beginning of the year because Jack chooses to be kind rather than to follow the crowd. It carries on after Julian then tries to manipulate the other boys not to talk to Jack, but Jack is no upset because he has August.

Conclusion- MIRROR- reflects your essay

The moment that shocked us in the text was when Jack punches Julian for making fun of August. It was important to the overall story because it showed us that Jack was more than a passive character, it changed our view of Jack in a positive way and that friendships are more important than popularity. “When given the choice between right and kind, choose kind”. In this way, we saw Jack choose kindness.


Bitting my sandwich I look at all the soldiers milling around. All of our uniforms are identical. Same green jacket, same back pants, and the same weird looking hat. Across from me is a small wooden bench. The wooden slates are all different colors and sizes, most of it must have come from the ship that we found on the beach. I look away and continue to eat my sandwich. I glance back at the bench and see a small furry monkey staring at me with his head tilted. 

I pull a bit of bread of the sandwich and hold my hand out to the creature. He looks at me with uncertainty before slowly slinking forward to take the food. His coarse golden fur is rough against my finger and he nibbles the bread. I begin to wonder how on earth he got to this island in the first place. 

Thursday 10 May 2018


He smiles at me from across the street. My eyebrows crinkle together and I begin to walk faster. Everybody in town knows who he is. If they don’t then they must be from out of town. His name’s Milton Green and he has never left this town. Not even for a second. There’s this hill in town that’s got the remains of a hospital on it. A psychiatric hospital. And that’s where Milton was meant to stay forever but that didn’t happen because he managed to escape.  Grandad was the same age as him when he got sent there.

1946. Grandad was 14 and so was Milton. They were best friends and went everywhere together. Then one night Milton went missing for several days and in the same span of time one boy and one girl went missing. When Milton finally returned his clothes were torn and splattered with blood. The police found the bodies of the children two days later in a field.

They arrested Milton and since he was too young to be sent to prison they sent him to the hospital on the hill.  You would think that when he turned eighteen they would send him to jail but they thought that he was too unstable. So he stayed in the hospital for 12 more years. During that time he turned even more sinister and slowly he started to dig a hole. Back then there were no cameras so there was no one to catch him.

He broke out and you would think that he would just run but no. He set fire to the building on his way out and he killed almost everyone in the building. You’re probably going ‘And why hasn’t anyone arrested him?’. It’s because there was no actual proof but everyone believes that he did its since he was the only one who escapes.

Now he has a long, unkempt beard  and scraggly clothes that he has had since I was three,  which was ten years ago. He still has his great granddad’s monocle and all his hair is slowly fading away. A small tin sits at his feet waiting and hoping for coins, but nothing ever comes.

Thursday 3 May 2018

🐢Turtles all the Way Down🐢

“Sixteen-year-old Aza never intended to pursue the mystery of fugitive billionaire Russell Pickett, but there’s a hundred-thousand-dollar reward at stake and her Best and Most Fearless Friend, Daisy, is eager to investigate. So together, they navigate the short distance and broad divides that separate them from Russell Pickett’s son, Davis.

Aza is trying. She is trying to be a good daughter, a good friend, a good student, and maybe even a good detective, while also living within the ever-tightening spiral of her own thoughts.

In his long-awaited return, John Green, the acclaimed, award-winning author of Looking for Alaska and The Fault in Our Stars, shares Aza’s story with shattering, unflinching clarity in this brilliant novel of love, resilience, and the power of lifelong friendship.”
-John Green

I give this book 4 stars

This book was so different from what I thought. I thought it would just be a mystery about a missing billionaire and two girls trying to piece together where he was. And it was but there were a bunch of things that I didn’t expect. Like the car crash and all the relationships between the characters. Usually, I can see what going to happen in a story or how it's going to end, but with this story, I couldn’t so it made the story more enjoyable for me.

Image result for turtles all the way down goodreadsWith Aza, I started to see that people are all different even though we all seem fine on the outside. Aza seemed fine at the start but as you started to get more into the story you discover that she is scared of getting sick and being in a hospital. Through all of this through her best and most fearless friend, Daisy stuck with her through thick and thin.

Image result for turtles all the way down goodreadsIn reading this story you learn that there are many people in the world who suffer like Aza but don’t show it. I also realized that people are all different and that they might have done things that are wrong but we all do and we can’t hold that against them. I recommend this book to children above the age of 14 because of some of the content.