
Monday 9 April 2018

I WONDER why we have to do a NOVEL STUDY Part 7

1.Explain August’s fears of going to school retreat/camp, were they justified?

They were justified, at least I think so. It can be scary for you to stay away from home and since Auggie has needed it can make it scarier. He also hasn't stayed away from home before except staying at Christopher's.

2.Compare Eddie and Julian. How are they similar/ different. How do their interactions with August reveal their character?

They are both different. Eddie bullies people physically, wanting to hurt people. Julian on the other hand very bullies people so that the adults around may think that he is just joking with the victim.

3.Explain how August's relationship with his classmates has changed since he first started going to Beecher Prep, give an explanation.

People are being nice to him, smiling and talking to him. They sit with him at lunch and don't act like he is contingent anymore. When he first started they acted like he was 'infected' and didn't talk to him at all in case the popular kids thought they were friends with him and then wouldn't talk to him.

4.Describe how August has shown greatness during his year at Beecher Prep? Do you think he deserves the medal? Why?

Auggie has shown greatness on a large scale. He had to deal with people judging him every day because of his face. Auggie did well in everything and stayed positive even when the boys were being mean to him and Jack. August also didn't hurt the people that were being mean to him so I think that he showed a lot of greatness during the school year even with everybody not talking to him and touching him.

5.Compare the character of Auggie at the beginning of the book and in the final chapters. How has he changed and what has contributed to this change?

I believe that at the beginning of the story he was timid and hated meeting new people. He didn't like people staring and looking disgusted whenever they see him. This is why he was scared to go to school because he didn't know how they would react. Now though he likes school and people don't judge him for his face or anything. He's more accepting of who he is now than at the start of the book.

6.Describe your favorite character in the story. Explain their impact on the story and why you picked them.

My favorite character in the story was Jack Will. He accepted Auggie when no one else did and was his friend before anyone else was. His impact on the story was him being the only nice person to Auggie at the start and he didn't care about his face. I can relate to him because it can be hard being the new kids only friend and not wanting to be judged for it.

7.This story explores the themes; Friendship, Betrayal, Overcoming Challenges, Bullying and Family Relationships. Create a brainstorm web for each of these themes that shows what the story has told for each theme.

8.What do you think Auggie's future holds? What do you think will happen in his life?

I think that Auggie will become a  great person who won't let his differences stand in the way of him succeeding in life. I think that he will be a great scientist because of the way he is better than everyone in his class. I believe that even though his face is different he won't care later in life.

Create Can Do task 

Research Can Do task 

RJ Palacio has written 21 books in 20 years. She wrote Wonder and published it in 2012. Since putting this book on the shelves she has written nine other books to do with Wonder. The reason she was inspired to write this book is that she met a little girl with the same disease as August. Her son started crying and she got up and pushed him away down the road. She felt bad for the rest of that day and then said to herself 'I'm gonna write a book and it's going to be about what it must feel like to face a world that doesn't know how to face you back.'

1 comment:

  1. Hey Chloe,
    I really enjoyed reading your reflections on the film and book Wonder. It is cool to see your book poster and the research.
    I also liked the character Jack. I felt like he was a character that I really related to, being kind to others is always at the top of my list.
    Do you think it was worth while reading this text? Was it enjoyable? Did it remind you of any values?


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