
Wednesday 4 April 2018

I WONDER Why We have to do a NOVEL STUDY Part 2

 Questions for pgs 41-80 

1. Star Wars is one of August's passions. Why do you think this is? Do you see any reasons for Auggie to identify with these characters, or aspire to be like them?

I'm not sure why its one of his passions but one reason I think he likes Star Wars is that everyone isn't the same. And it gives him a chance to escape to another place for a while and be himself.

2. What questions did Julian ask Auggie that made him want to slide under the desk? Explain why Julian asked these questions?

Image result for darth sidious face after  sith lightningHe asked Auggie "Why do you have that braid at the back of your head? Is it like a padawan thing? Who's your favorite character? How about Darth Sidious?" He asked the last one because Darth Sidious gets deformed by Sith lightning.  (Not the best picture but I tried.)

3. Mr. Browne's September was 'When given the choice between being right or being kind, choose kind' Do you agree with this precept? Explain.

4. In chapter One to Ten Auggie is feeling mad at his mum but doesn't know why. Explain why you think he's mad? 

Because his mum is pestering him about school and he already answered her. 

5.August invited his whole class to his birthday but not many kids came. Why do you think that this is? 

Because they don't like his face. I think that it was mean that most of them didn't even give a reason why.

6. August says he has an aversion to having his picture taken. What is an aversion? 

It means that you have a strong dislike for something. So Auggie has a strong dislike to having his photo taken. 

7. Why does no one what to touch August? How do you think this makes him feel?

Because they think he has the 'plague'. They think that if he touches them or if they touch him that they will be infected as well.

8. Did your opinion of Jack Will change after Auggie overheard him talking to Julian? Explain?

He seemed like a nice boy that really wanted to be friends with him despite his face. That all changed after Jacks comments on his face. 

9. Do you think that August will go back to school? Predict what will happen next.

I do think that he will go back to school because he's been through a lot. He's gone through surgery after surgery so I think he can get through a few mean things that a few boys made.

Musical Can Do Task.

The book 'Wonder is based on the song 'Wonder' by Natalie Merchant. I think this song relates to the book very well because it's what happened to him when he was young getting his surgeries done. Also because one line in the song is "Disbelieving what they're seeing". I think this relates to the story because people look and stare at him wondering what happened and wondering what they are seeing.

Research Can Do Task.

Treacher Collins Syndrome is a condition that affects the tissues and bones from forming properly in the face. Some people with this syndrome have eyes that slant downward and some people have other things that happen to their eyes that may cause them to not be able to see, leaving then blind. The condition also makes the recipients have small or nonexistent ears. This means that they could also become deaf as well. 

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