
Wednesday 4 April 2018

I WONDER why we have to do a NOVEL STUDY Part 4


Questions for Pg 118-157 

1. What was Summer's initial reaction to Auggie's face? Why did they become friends? 

She said that he had the weirdest face she had ever seen. But eventually she got over that and they became friends. She wanted to be friends with him, she wasn't forced to be. 

2. Summer isn't in the popular group at school. Why was she invited to Savanna's party? 

They wanted to know why she hung out with Auggie. They said that if she stopped hanging out with him then Julian would date her.

3. How does Summer foster a relationship with Auggie and in what ways is it beneficial for both of them?

Summer at the start felt sorry for him so she made friends with him but in the end, she enjoyed his company and his friendship. The way it is beneficial for both of them is that Summer realized that he isn't what the other kids make him out to be and Auggie begins to make new friends  

4. Part 4 starts with the quote "Now here is my secret. It's very simple. It is only with one's heart that one can see clearly. What is essential is invisible to the eye" What does it mean? 

It means that whats on the outside matters but whats on the inside is the important bit. Someone could look a bit weird like Auggie but still have a good heart. 

5. What was Jack's initial reaction to Mr. Tushman's request to show Auggie around school? What made Jack decide to say 'yes' to his request? 

Jack didn't want to when his mother asked him first but he remembered when his little brother running from him. He felt bad so he agreed to take him on the tour.

6. Friendships can be difficult. How does Jack feel about him and Auggie becoming Ex-friends? How does he feel when he finds out why? 

I think that Jack feels bad that they aren't friends and wants to be friends with him again but says he doesn't care about it when he does.

7. How was Jack provoked to punch Julian in the face? Explain why you think this was the right/wrong thing to do? 

Jack punched Julian because of the thing that he was saying about Auggie behind his back.

8. How did reading Jack's point of view change your perception of his character? 

It did. I thought that he was only nice to Auggie because Mr. Tushman asked him to. Then when I read his POV I changed my mind. That was the start. Him being nice to Auggie because of Mr. Tushman but then he started to like hanging out with him and started liking him more as a friend, not just an acquaintance.  

9. Predict how you think Auggie will react to the news that Jack punched Julian. What effect will it have on their own friendship?

I think that it will make Auggie realize that Jack Will wants to be friends with him and that what he said to Julian was him just trying to fit in with the 'cool kids'. So I think that they will be friends again and they will forget about what happened with Julian. 

Musical Can-Do Task. 

The song starts upbeat and has a nice tempo and slowly starts to get a little sadder with a violin playing slowly in the background of the piano. It then gets louder and you can really get into the groove by listening to this. I love how it just cuts out of the fast upbeat bit to just the piano again so I think that it fits well with the book

Reseach Can-Do Task.

 Halloween dates back to when the ancient Celts celebrated Halloween as their New Year. Back then they called it Samhain. They did this on Nov. 1st. Then when the Romans conquered Ireland they merged the holidays they had. One was Feralia, where they celebrated the passing of the dead.

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