
Wednesday 4 April 2018

I WONDER Why we have to do a NOVEL STUDY Part 1

Questions for Pg 11- 43

1. What was August one wish he wanted? What is one thing you would change about your appearance?

Auggie wanted his face to look normal just like everyone else because of the way people got scared of his face. I don't want to change anything about my appearance.

2. What do you think it means to be ordinary? What makes August feel extraordinary?

Nothing is special about you/the way you look. No one stares at you because you look like any other human being. I think August's face is what makes him feel extraordinary because everyone who meets him stares at him. 

3.How do people react when they see August for the first time? How would you react?

People-like Jack Will and his babysitter- jump up and then pretend that nothing had happened. I'm not really sure how I would react if I met Auggie. I might be a little surprised at first but I would probably see through the way he looks. 

4. August's dad said, "So sending him off like a lamb to the slaughter..." What does this mean?

It means that his parents are sending him to school with a bunch of kids who most likely are going to pick on him, be mean about his appearance and no one will probably be friends with him. So basically he's going to middle school with no friends and he is kinda helpless against the bullies. 

5. If you were August's mum or dad would you send him to school? Explain why or why not.

I would send him to school. I would do this because, yes, maybe he looks different from everyone else but that won't stop him from learning. If you have seen the movie you will know that even though he didn't go to school before he knows a lot more than everyone thinks. 

6. What white lie did his mum say? Why did she do it? Are white lies okay to tell?

She told Auggie that the test that he took was an IQ test but it actually was a test that he needed to take to get into Beecher Prep. She told the lie so Auggie wouldn't get excited that he was going to school because he might not have gotten into the school.

7. Auggie decided that he liked Mrs. Garcia- when she wasn't wearing her shiny smile. What is a 'shiny smile'?

A shiny smile is a smile that is fake. She was smiling because she had to smile not because she wanted to.

8. How does Auggie know the first time he meets Julian that he will be a bully? What are some of the ways that he bullies Auggie? How does Auggie respond?
While Charlotte and Jack are asking Auggie questions about his life and things he likes, Julian asks him 'What happened to your face? Were you in a fire or something?' Julian leaves mean notes in his locker, leaves him out and laughs/calls him names. Auggies tries not to let Julian get to him but it does and sometimes he doesn't want to go to school.

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