
Monday 30 April 2018

Behavior of Matter- Expansion

When particles are heated they begin to move around more and the space between the particles increases, causing the substance to expand. The diagram below shows the effect of heat on the particles in a solid substance. Notice that the particles are vibrating more. Because of this, they are bumping into one another and the distance between the particles increases. This means that the solid will expand.

Describe the effect of the heat on:

  1. The movement of the particles- They vibrate when they become heated  
  2. The size of the particles- Nothing in the piece of information above says that the particles shrink or get bigger.  
  3. The space between the particles- The space increases between the particles. 
  4. The size of the substance- The substance expands but doesn't change in overall size. 

Aim: To observe contraction in gases
Equipment: Aluminium can, scissor tongs, Bunsen Burner, heatproof mat, tripod, gauze mat, an open container of water

What we had to do was heat a can that was 1/4 full and wait for it to vigorously boil. After that, we had to put it in a container of cold water upside down. When that is done it should implode. What I failed to do was get it upside down. It didn't do what it was meant to do and it failed so badly. Jaime, who was my partner also didn't get it to implode. 

Tuesday 10 April 2018

Wonder Novel Study Essay

Describe a key moment that shocked or surprised you in the written text. Explain how this moment was important to the text as a whole.

The one moment that shocked me the most was when Jack Will was talking to Julian. It made me see that while people are nice on the outside and when they are with you it doesn't mean that they will be nice when talking to other people about you. 

I felt pretty bad when August walked into that class feeling good because people weren't cowering away from him and being disgusted at his appearance. He stopped when he heard the voices and realized that on was his best friend say that 'he would want to die if he looked like him'. he ran and that's when I realized that even though he seemed nice he wasn't. 

That was also when he said he wasn't coming back to school ever again. I felt angry that Jack would say that even though now I understand that maybe he just wanted to fit in with the boys that were mean to him and Auggie. The part that stunned me that most were that he felt bad weeks later and ending up punching Julian for what he said in the hallway. When Auggie heard he asked Jack if it was something to do with him and he said yes. Auggie eventually forgave him when made me smile. 

I guess that this experience proved to me that if you manage to break your friendship with someone because of something you said it could easily be fixed. I enjoyed this book because it portrayed what some kids go through when they go to school and people don't like the way they look, the way the dress or the way they talk.  

Monday 9 April 2018

I WONDER why we have to do a NOVEL STUDY Part 7

1.Explain August’s fears of going to school retreat/camp, were they justified?

They were justified, at least I think so. It can be scary for you to stay away from home and since Auggie has needed it can make it scarier. He also hasn't stayed away from home before except staying at Christopher's.

2.Compare Eddie and Julian. How are they similar/ different. How do their interactions with August reveal their character?

They are both different. Eddie bullies people physically, wanting to hurt people. Julian on the other hand very bullies people so that the adults around may think that he is just joking with the victim.

3.Explain how August's relationship with his classmates has changed since he first started going to Beecher Prep, give an explanation.

People are being nice to him, smiling and talking to him. They sit with him at lunch and don't act like he is contingent anymore. When he first started they acted like he was 'infected' and didn't talk to him at all in case the popular kids thought they were friends with him and then wouldn't talk to him.

4.Describe how August has shown greatness during his year at Beecher Prep? Do you think he deserves the medal? Why?

Auggie has shown greatness on a large scale. He had to deal with people judging him every day because of his face. Auggie did well in everything and stayed positive even when the boys were being mean to him and Jack. August also didn't hurt the people that were being mean to him so I think that he showed a lot of greatness during the school year even with everybody not talking to him and touching him.

5.Compare the character of Auggie at the beginning of the book and in the final chapters. How has he changed and what has contributed to this change?

I believe that at the beginning of the story he was timid and hated meeting new people. He didn't like people staring and looking disgusted whenever they see him. This is why he was scared to go to school because he didn't know how they would react. Now though he likes school and people don't judge him for his face or anything. He's more accepting of who he is now than at the start of the book.

6.Describe your favorite character in the story. Explain their impact on the story and why you picked them.

My favorite character in the story was Jack Will. He accepted Auggie when no one else did and was his friend before anyone else was. His impact on the story was him being the only nice person to Auggie at the start and he didn't care about his face. I can relate to him because it can be hard being the new kids only friend and not wanting to be judged for it.

7.This story explores the themes; Friendship, Betrayal, Overcoming Challenges, Bullying and Family Relationships. Create a brainstorm web for each of these themes that shows what the story has told for each theme.

8.What do you think Auggie's future holds? What do you think will happen in his life?

I think that Auggie will become a  great person who won't let his differences stand in the way of him succeeding in life. I think that he will be a great scientist because of the way he is better than everyone in his class. I believe that even though his face is different he won't care later in life.

Create Can Do task 

Research Can Do task 

RJ Palacio has written 21 books in 20 years. She wrote Wonder and published it in 2012. Since putting this book on the shelves she has written nine other books to do with Wonder. The reason she was inspired to write this book is that she met a little girl with the same disease as August. Her son started crying and she got up and pushed him away down the road. She felt bad for the rest of that day and then said to herself 'I'm gonna write a book and it's going to be about what it must feel like to face a world that doesn't know how to face you back.'

Wednesday 4 April 2018

I WONDER why we have to do a NOVEL STUDY Part 6

1.Explain why doesn't August like school events that include parents?

Because he has people staring at his face because they don't know what happened and then they ask and he gets uncomfortable with them.

2.Maya left August a nice little note and August said, "Six months ago stuff like that would have never have happened, but now it happens more and more." Explain the change that is occurring?

People are comfortable being around Auggie and talking to him. When he first arrived, 6 months ago, people didn't want to talk to him let alone touch him.

3.Describe August's feeling about getting hearing aids. Were they justified?

He felt embarrassed because he didn't want people staring at him and asking him questions. He felt like he would stick out more and that's not what he wants to happen. I think it's justified to a point but it's better to have them than not to be able to hear what your friends say.

4.Why did Via keep her part in the play a secret from her parents? Why did Via's mum say the play wasn't something that August would be interested in?

Because no one but Miranda and Justin know about Auggie and she wants it to stay that way. She wants to fit in and not have people asking 'what happened to your brother'. Via's mum said that Auggie wouldn't want to go because he would get bored easily.

5.August says, "I think there should be a rule that everyone in the world should get a standing ovation at least once in their lives.” Explain what this means and why he believes it.

This means that everyone should be recognized for at least one of their talents. I think Auggie thinks this because he goes the academic award in science so he thought that everyone should have a standing ovation whether they get an award or not.

6.What effect did Daisys’ death have on the characters?

It made them sad and crying with one another but all the fights they were having about Via and her school play. They were more of a family than they had been in 6 months.

7.Why did Miranda claim ‘sickness’ before the play?

She saw that Via's parents in the crowd. She said that she felt sick so that her parents could see her in that play and not Miranda.

8.After reading Miranda's, how did your perception of her change and why?

It changed because she has been through just a much as Via but in a different sense.
While at camp she made new friends and was telling the popular girls that she had a little brother and a dog called Daisy because she wanted to be normal. Miranda thinks that Via has a better life than her they are the exact same just with different stories behind why.

    I WONDER why we have to do a NOVEL STUDY Part 5

    Questions for pgs 158-204

    1. Discuss the motivations for Julian's mum to photoshop Auggie out of the class photo and the message that's sent to Julian. 

    She photoshopped him out because she wanted people to ask about Julian not the kid with the face deformities when they see the picture at their house.

    2.What do you make of Mrs. Albans' statement that Auggie is handicapped? Do you think that she was correct when she said that it was too much of a burden on the kids to befriend August? 

    I don't believe that he is handicapped. He can work just as well, maybe better, then the kids in his class. I also don't believe that it is too much of a burden for the kids in his class to befriends him because of his face. He can't change that. 

    3.Mrs. Alban also thought that Auggie shouldn't have been allowed into Beecher Prep. Do you agree/disagree? Why? 

    He passed the test that was needed for him to get into the school so he is allowed to go. He's smarter than other students in Science and he was homeschooled so that's pretty good. 

    4. How did Jack handle being frozen out by all the boys in Beecher Prep?     

    He didn't handle it very well. He said that he felt alone and that everyone was staring and judging him. He wanted to find new friends but all the boys-except Auggie- were ignoring him. 

      5.Why was Justin nervous when he was going to meet Olivia's parents?How did it show? How did it work out?

    He was nervous that his tics would start because that's what happens when he gets nervous. He didn't want to leave a bad impression on them.  

    6. Why does Justin greet the different members of the family in different ways? Explain each greeting. 

    He greets the family in different was because he has different reactions to them. When he sees August, he's astonished but wants to make sure that no one picks up on it. When Justin meets Olivia's parents, he is nervous because he doesn't want his tics to show.  

    7.In the bus stop, Justin told Julian and his friends to leave Jack alone. Was this a good thing to do? 

    No, because even though Justin thought he was helping he made it worse. Julian started picking on Jack more because he didn't confront them himself. 

    8. In the chapter titled Bird, Via states shes an 'awful person'. Why do you think she feels this way. Is she correct? 

    She thinks this because she didn't tell Justin about her and Miranda's relationship. And then when he asked him about it she got upset because she didn't tell him.

    9. In what ways is Part 5 different from the other parts of the book?

    It's in Justin's POV and since he isn't apart of their family or hasn't known the family for a long time has a different view on Auggie's condition. And his pat is in all lower case with no capitals apart from in names. 

    Vocabulary Can Do Task 

    Dissed - To criticise of to speak disrespectfully to.
    Sarcastically - In an ironic or way meant to mock someone 
    Tics - A contraction of the muscles, often in the face 
    Immaculate - Perfectly clean or tidy
    Monologue - A long speech from someone in a play or a conversation 
    Theorems -A rule in Algebra expressed by symbols.

    Create Can Do Task 

    I WONDER why we have to do a NOVEL STUDY Part 4


    Questions for Pg 118-157 

    1. What was Summer's initial reaction to Auggie's face? Why did they become friends? 

    She said that he had the weirdest face she had ever seen. But eventually she got over that and they became friends. She wanted to be friends with him, she wasn't forced to be. 

    2. Summer isn't in the popular group at school. Why was she invited to Savanna's party? 

    They wanted to know why she hung out with Auggie. They said that if she stopped hanging out with him then Julian would date her.

    3. How does Summer foster a relationship with Auggie and in what ways is it beneficial for both of them?

    Summer at the start felt sorry for him so she made friends with him but in the end, she enjoyed his company and his friendship. The way it is beneficial for both of them is that Summer realized that he isn't what the other kids make him out to be and Auggie begins to make new friends  

    4. Part 4 starts with the quote "Now here is my secret. It's very simple. It is only with one's heart that one can see clearly. What is essential is invisible to the eye" What does it mean? 

    It means that whats on the outside matters but whats on the inside is the important bit. Someone could look a bit weird like Auggie but still have a good heart. 

    5. What was Jack's initial reaction to Mr. Tushman's request to show Auggie around school? What made Jack decide to say 'yes' to his request? 

    Jack didn't want to when his mother asked him first but he remembered when his little brother running from him. He felt bad so he agreed to take him on the tour.

    6. Friendships can be difficult. How does Jack feel about him and Auggie becoming Ex-friends? How does he feel when he finds out why? 

    I think that Jack feels bad that they aren't friends and wants to be friends with him again but says he doesn't care about it when he does.

    7. How was Jack provoked to punch Julian in the face? Explain why you think this was the right/wrong thing to do? 

    Jack punched Julian because of the thing that he was saying about Auggie behind his back.

    8. How did reading Jack's point of view change your perception of his character? 

    It did. I thought that he was only nice to Auggie because Mr. Tushman asked him to. Then when I read his POV I changed my mind. That was the start. Him being nice to Auggie because of Mr. Tushman but then he started to like hanging out with him and started liking him more as a friend, not just an acquaintance.  

    9. Predict how you think Auggie will react to the news that Jack punched Julian. What effect will it have on their own friendship?

    I think that it will make Auggie realize that Jack Will wants to be friends with him and that what he said to Julian was him just trying to fit in with the 'cool kids'. So I think that they will be friends again and they will forget about what happened with Julian. 

    Musical Can-Do Task. 

    The song starts upbeat and has a nice tempo and slowly starts to get a little sadder with a violin playing slowly in the background of the piano. It then gets louder and you can really get into the groove by listening to this. I love how it just cuts out of the fast upbeat bit to just the piano again so I think that it fits well with the book

    Reseach Can-Do Task.

     Halloween dates back to when the ancient Celts celebrated Halloween as their New Year. Back then they called it Samhain. They did this on Nov. 1st. Then when the Romans conquered Ireland they merged the holidays they had. One was Feralia, where they celebrated the passing of the dead.

    I WONDER why we have to do a NOVEL STUDY Part 3

    Questions for pages 81-117

    1. Explain how the point of view in part 2 is different from part 1? Do they match up? 

    Part 1 was in Auggie's point of view and Part 2 was in Via's. Via's point of view is very different because she isn't the one with the syndrome and the struggles she has with Auggie having it. 

    2. In at least a paragraph describe you think Via might be facing as Auggie's sister? 

    I think she is facing a lot. Firstly she had to put up with him being in surgery after surgery while she was only around 5. Her parents also dedicated him more time than her. Even though I got why it would have been hard for Via to cope with since she was the first born child.  

    3. Via says "August's the sun." Explain what she means and why she feels this way?  

    She means that everyone revolves around August. He's the sun and everyone else are the planets that circle the sun. She feels this way because he has needs that no one else does. 

    ]4. Do you agree with Via that she and her parents have made a mistake by always trying to make feel like he's normal? Is this a problem? Explain.  

    Not really. Because he is normal. He does all the normal thing that 10-year-olds do and he acts like one too. The only thing that isn't normal is his face but that doesn't stop him.

    5.Why does Via go by Olivia at high school? How is Via finding the high school? 

    She goes by Olivia because it makes her feel more grown up. She was ready for it but then Miranda didn't talk to her so she found it hard.

    6. What are the odds of Olivia having a child that looks like Auggie? Do you think that these are good odds? Explain. 

    The odds of Via having a child that looks like Auggie is 50/50. If she has a child with the same chromosome as her she will most likely have a childlike Auggie but it still can't be determined. 

    7. Explore the character, Miranda. Why did she call Auggie at the end of part 2? Explain 

    Miranda was one of Via's best friends before the summer. During those three months, she changed and started hanging out with the 'cool' kids. She wanted to be friends with Via again so she called there house and she wasn't there so she spent time talking to Auggie.

    8. Describe Via as a character? Do you empathize with her? 

    She's a loving sister who gets why Auggie need more attention than her sometimes but still feels jealous that he gets more attention than her. I do empathize with her because I would feel bad if I was in her position.

    9. What do you think will happen to Auggie when he goes back to school?

    Jack Will will try to be friends with him again without realizing that Auggie had overheard him. Auggie won't talk to him and Jack will get mad at him for not talking to him.

    Vocabulary Can Do Task 

    Fashionista - Someone who is highly devoted to fashion or someone who designs fashionable clothes
    Celestial - Something that relates to the sky or outer space 
    Flabbergasted - To astonish or amaze someone 
    Sarcastic - To show that you are saying something with irony 
    Meticulously-  Shows a great attention to detail 
    Illuminating -  To light something up e.g Christmas lights, candles, household lighting
    Transition - The period of time when someone or something changes 

    Musical Can Do Task 

    'Space Oddity' David Bowie 

    I think that this song relates to the story at this point because it's about when Miranda gave Auggie the astronaut helmet and they sang this song. Also, I believe this song is about someone going into space and they're talking to the people that are still on earth while they are in the spaceship. 

    I WONDER Why We have to do a NOVEL STUDY Part 2

     Questions for pgs 41-80 

    1. Star Wars is one of August's passions. Why do you think this is? Do you see any reasons for Auggie to identify with these characters, or aspire to be like them?

    I'm not sure why its one of his passions but one reason I think he likes Star Wars is that everyone isn't the same. And it gives him a chance to escape to another place for a while and be himself.

    2. What questions did Julian ask Auggie that made him want to slide under the desk? Explain why Julian asked these questions?

    Image result for darth sidious face after  sith lightningHe asked Auggie "Why do you have that braid at the back of your head? Is it like a padawan thing? Who's your favorite character? How about Darth Sidious?" He asked the last one because Darth Sidious gets deformed by Sith lightning.  (Not the best picture but I tried.)

    3. Mr. Browne's September was 'When given the choice between being right or being kind, choose kind' Do you agree with this precept? Explain.

    4. In chapter One to Ten Auggie is feeling mad at his mum but doesn't know why. Explain why you think he's mad? 

    Because his mum is pestering him about school and he already answered her. 

    5.August invited his whole class to his birthday but not many kids came. Why do you think that this is? 

    Because they don't like his face. I think that it was mean that most of them didn't even give a reason why.

    6. August says he has an aversion to having his picture taken. What is an aversion? 

    It means that you have a strong dislike for something. So Auggie has a strong dislike to having his photo taken. 

    7. Why does no one what to touch August? How do you think this makes him feel?

    Because they think he has the 'plague'. They think that if he touches them or if they touch him that they will be infected as well.

    8. Did your opinion of Jack Will change after Auggie overheard him talking to Julian? Explain?

    He seemed like a nice boy that really wanted to be friends with him despite his face. That all changed after Jacks comments on his face. 

    9. Do you think that August will go back to school? Predict what will happen next.

    I do think that he will go back to school because he's been through a lot. He's gone through surgery after surgery so I think he can get through a few mean things that a few boys made.

    Musical Can Do Task.

    The book 'Wonder is based on the song 'Wonder' by Natalie Merchant. I think this song relates to the book very well because it's what happened to him when he was young getting his surgeries done. Also because one line in the song is "Disbelieving what they're seeing". I think this relates to the story because people look and stare at him wondering what happened and wondering what they are seeing.

    Research Can Do Task.

    Treacher Collins Syndrome is a condition that affects the tissues and bones from forming properly in the face. Some people with this syndrome have eyes that slant downward and some people have other things that happen to their eyes that may cause them to not be able to see, leaving then blind. The condition also makes the recipients have small or nonexistent ears. This means that they could also become deaf as well. 

    I WONDER Why we have to do a NOVEL STUDY Part 1

    Questions for Pg 11- 43

    1. What was August one wish he wanted? What is one thing you would change about your appearance?

    Auggie wanted his face to look normal just like everyone else because of the way people got scared of his face. I don't want to change anything about my appearance.

    2. What do you think it means to be ordinary? What makes August feel extraordinary?

    Nothing is special about you/the way you look. No one stares at you because you look like any other human being. I think August's face is what makes him feel extraordinary because everyone who meets him stares at him. 

    3.How do people react when they see August for the first time? How would you react?

    People-like Jack Will and his babysitter- jump up and then pretend that nothing had happened. I'm not really sure how I would react if I met Auggie. I might be a little surprised at first but I would probably see through the way he looks. 

    4. August's dad said, "So sending him off like a lamb to the slaughter..." What does this mean?

    It means that his parents are sending him to school with a bunch of kids who most likely are going to pick on him, be mean about his appearance and no one will probably be friends with him. So basically he's going to middle school with no friends and he is kinda helpless against the bullies. 

    5. If you were August's mum or dad would you send him to school? Explain why or why not.

    I would send him to school. I would do this because, yes, maybe he looks different from everyone else but that won't stop him from learning. If you have seen the movie you will know that even though he didn't go to school before he knows a lot more than everyone thinks. 

    6. What white lie did his mum say? Why did she do it? Are white lies okay to tell?

    She told Auggie that the test that he took was an IQ test but it actually was a test that he needed to take to get into Beecher Prep. She told the lie so Auggie wouldn't get excited that he was going to school because he might not have gotten into the school.

    7. Auggie decided that he liked Mrs. Garcia- when she wasn't wearing her shiny smile. What is a 'shiny smile'?

    A shiny smile is a smile that is fake. She was smiling because she had to smile not because she wanted to.

    8. How does Auggie know the first time he meets Julian that he will be a bully? What are some of the ways that he bullies Auggie? How does Auggie respond?
    While Charlotte and Jack are asking Auggie questions about his life and things he likes, Julian asks him 'What happened to your face? Were you in a fire or something?' Julian leaves mean notes in his locker, leaves him out and laughs/calls him names. Auggies tries not to let Julian get to him but it does and sometimes he doesn't want to go to school.