
Tuesday 19 June 2018


Act Two, Scene One
1. We have watched racial and religious tensions at work in A1S3. The Prince of Morocco opens A2S1 with another sensitive issue. What is it?
The complexion of his skin.

2. If Antonio loses his gamble, he must forfeit a pound of flesh. What must Portia’s suitors give up if they fail to win her?
Portia's suitors have to give up marrying anyone else if they fail to pick the right casket.

3.Shylock practices ‘usury’. What is this?
Usury is where you lend money and then when they pay it back they give you more than you lent to them. This nowadays is called interest.

4. Why do Shylock and Antonio hate each other?
Shylock hates Antonio because of what he did to him and Antonio hates Shylock because of the fact that he is a Jew.

Act Two, Scene Two

1. Why does Launcelot want to leave Shylock? Give evidence from the text to support your thinking.

Launcelot wants to leave Shylock because he's a Jew. Launcelot thinks that Shylock is a devil because of this.

2. Why is Bassanio worried about taking Gratiano with him to Belmont?

Because of Gratiano is a bad drunk and Bassanio doesn't know what Gratiano will do if he is drunk. 

In lines 114-142...

3. Launcelot and his father are very anxious to find Launcelot a new job. They both want to impress Bassanio. This leads to:
a. frequent interruptions.  b. contradictions c. misuse of words to impress.
      Find examples of each of these in the text.
Launcelot and Gobbo keep interrupting each other.

Act Two, Scene Three
1. What does Jessica think of her life at home? Give evidence from the text to support your thinking.
She is ashamed because she is the daughter of a Jewish man and she wants to be Christian.

2. Which of Bassanio’s friends is Jessica planning to marry?
Jessica is planning to marry Lorenzo.

Act Two, Scene Four

1. How does Jessica get a message to her lover?
Jessica gets Launcelot to deliver a letter Lorenzo

2. How will she be disguised for the elopement?
Jessica is going to dress up as a man so that no one will recognize her.

Act Two, Scene Five

1. Why is Shylock uneasy about going out for the evening? Give evidence from the text to support your thinking.

Because of the Christians that are parading in the street. He is worried that they will come into his house while she is home so he told her to lock up her doors of his house.

Act Two, Scene Six
1. How does Launcelot manage to tell Jessica that Lorenzo will be there that evening?
Launcelot says to her 'There will come a Christian by will be worth a Jewe's eye." That's how he tells her.

2. What does Jessica throw down to Lorenzo?
A Rope for him to climb up to her room

3. Why is Antonio looking for Gratiano?
Becasue it was getting late and he was getting annoyed

Act Two, Scene Seven

1. Which casket does the Prince of Morocco think is worthy to contain Portia’s portrait. Use evidence of the text to justify your answer.
The gold casket. He thinks this because of what the casket says on the front of it. It says 'Who chooseth me shall gain what many men desire.' He thinks that this means that since many men desire her that her face will be in that casket.
2. How is Portia feeling in A2S7 -at the beginning, -while the Prince is making his choice, at the end
By the way the words are written it makes me suspect that she is over all of the suitors coming and asking for the caskets.

3. What was Portia's father trying to achieve through the use of the caskets? Does this seem to be working?
He was trying to make sure that the husband that she marries is worthy of her and not just in it for the money.

Act Two, Scene Eight

1. What double disaster has struck Shylock?
That he has lost not only his only child but he has also lost all of his money.

2. Where did Shylock think Lorenzo & Jessica might be?
On Bassanio's boat

3. How did Bassanio and Antonio part?
Bassanio said that he would be back as fast as he could but Antonio said that he should not rush away from Portia

4. What is the first suggestion of trouble for Antonio? Find a quote that tells you this.
That there is a rumor going around that his boats have shipwrecked and he might have to give up a pound of flesh to Shylock since he doesn't have any money

Act Two, Scene Nine
1.What is the purpose of the rhymes in the caskets?
They show what the person is like. The Prince of Morroco choose what many men desire because he thinks that this is the one since many men want her
2.Why does the Prince of Arragon discard the golden caskets. What does his interpretation of the inscription tell us about his character?
He says that he will not pick the casket that most people will probably go for.

3.What is Portia’s reaction to Bassanio’s arrival?
She is very happy to see a man that she actually likes

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