
Wednesday 21 March 2018

Evaporating Coke

Aim:  To distill Coca-Cola and to evaporate it

Equipment: Conical flask, heatproof mat, bung, delivery tube, Bunsen burner, tripod, retort stand gauze mat, boss head and clamp, boiling tube, and three different kinds of Coca-Cola. We used  Diet Coke, Coke with no sugar and regular Coke.

  1. Set up that experiment as shown below 

2. Using a measuring cylinder measure out around 20mls of Cola and the carefully tip it into the test tube.

3. Clamp the test tube in and the light the bunsen burner. Turn the air hole until the flame is blue. For our experiment, we used a blue flame with an orange tip.

4. Heat the Cola until most of is has disappeared. You should be left with a solution of what smells like burnt caramel. 


We did 3 types of coke but we only had time to do 2. We got the No Sugar and normal coke ones done. The normal Coke evaporated faster and burnt to the sides of the test tube. The coke with no sugar evaporated slowly and and left us with a stick toffee solution.  

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