
Wednesday 15 February 2017

Science Equipment

Evaporating basin
Used for drying things out

Used for holding things over a Bunsen burner

Is used for putting liquids into a small place

Conical Flask
Is used for mixing liquid

Used for digging out solid chemicals

 Test tube
Used for heating things

Boiling tube
Is for boiling things

Test tube rack
For holding test tubes when they are not in use

Measuring cylinder
For measuring liquids as well

Thursday 9 February 2017

Science 2017-Lab Rules

Lab Rules

  • Always follow instructions 
  • Enter lab ONLY if  your teacher is present 
  • Tie up long hair 
  • Clean up your work area 
  • No eating or drinking in the lab 
  • No running,only walking 
  • Ask teachers permission before using lab equipment 
  • Wear safety glasses 
  • If you break glass tell the teacher 
  • Watch the level of noise in the classroom